Goals and objectives

The Association aims to:

  • Take an active part in the implementation of the national concept for medical tourism development;
  • Establish an effective system of high-quality medical care in Russia to ensure treatment of Russian and foreign patients in line with modern international standards;
  • Consolidate the intellectual, financial, organizational and other resources of our members for the most effective pursuit of their professional interests.

The main tasks of the Association are:

  • Contributing to the development of a system for disease prevention and healthy lifestyle promotion;
  • Assisting in improving the quality and accessibility of high-quality medical care in Russia and the health status of the population;
  • Drawing attention of the general public, scientific and practical communities towards the issues associated with the organization of medical tourism;
  • Active development of medical tourism in Russia;
  • Participation in the shaping of legislation regulating medical tourism;
  • Assistance in improving the state regulations system associated with medical tourism;
  • Protection and representation of professional interests of the Association’s members at the federal, regional and international levels;
  • Promoting the competitive opportunities for all players in the medical tourism market;
  • Establishing and building contacts with Russian and foreign colleagues interested in the development of medical tourism;
  • Promoting a system for professional training, retraining and in-service training of specialists in the field of medical tourism;
  • Promoting a system for international certification of healthcare facilities;
  • Promoting an improved system for collection of statistics and industry indicators in Russian medical tourism;
  • Assistance in the development of medical tourism terminology, typology, target values and indicators;
  • Participating in the development and implementation of an ethical code of medical tourism;
  • Promoting the Association’s activities through modern media outlets.